Welcome to the homepage of the Fatigue Design & Evaluation Committee. This site is meant to be a repository for FD&E Committee on-going work and news. It is meant mainly for active committee members' quick reference, but all others are also welcome to look and comment (you are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings, also). The materials presented here are only meant as working documents, with the usual working document errors. The material should not be used for any other purposes except Fatigue Design & Evaluation committee work.
If there is something that you (a committee member) would like to see on this webpage, or if you have data that you'd like to share with the committee, please use the contact form here.
Check out our Next Meeting page for information about our next committee meeting.
Check out our Announcements page for information about upcoming events of interest to the fatigue community.
This website is currently being revamped, so please be patient while we get everything linked and in the right spot. Thanks!
Updated 06/14/2021